Tonight we attended the launch of Toronto Caribbean Connection's Gem Stones.
It was a nice presentation with some real attractive costumes which were proudly made right here in Toronto. Tropical Sunset was a good location for the launch.

Smoky Quartz
I like the full headpieces, how the bras are decorated, and the overall feminine features. Great job Mervyn!!
~ Updated to add: Costumes are reasonably priced at $135.00 (TCC considered the present state of the economy before setting out prices). Front liners range from $165.00. There will be online registration as soon as the website is up, maybe in another week or so.
Mervyn has also told me that for Smoky Quartz, the plus size section, there is a tankini as an option, and a one piece could be available if sufficient notice is given - time permitting.
uncle mervyn's costumes look nice!!!!!!!!!!
Some of the best for the season. Good job.
Some of the best for the season. Good job.
I thought this was the big girl camp. I expected to see a few one pieces.
I'm really not feeling this group.
That training/sports bra belongs in the kiddie carnival.
Good to see accommodation for us fuller women with well fitted bras.
Beautiful costumes
Thanks connections for the OPTION of a bra I can feel comfortable in.
As a mature person, I am with you guys this year for sure.
Great job Kara for wrapping up the last band launches. Now the race is on. Good luck to all and have a safe and enjoyable Caribana. Hope the weather is not like last year.
Some may not not like the sports bra thing, but its not like it was the only offering in the section. It was an option available to the more modest folks.
Thanks Player, & I'm with ya, we could do without a rain storm. Many headpieces didn't hold up.
Mine did though, & for 2 more carnivals. :-)
Speak for yourself...I was having doubts about caribana this year after having to make alterations to my bra in order for it to fit properly, but thanks to the sports bra I can wear my own bra and not have to worry about sliding out, bouncing out or hanging low!
Look out, it's going to be BACCHANAL!!!
Thank you Kara for your impartial comments on the various Band Launches. Thanks publicly for attending ours.
Nice head pieces... Now I'm in the gym and counting down the days. I hope all playin mas have a great time in which ever band u play in... Its thanks to us all bands can come back another year :)
With Smoky Quartz, the plus size section, there is a tankini as an option, and because of feedback/requests, a one piece could be available - just order in advance.
All those costumes look amazing! I really like the pink one.
I have a question, kinda random and all but I'm a first time Toronto Masquerader, and I was wondering. If you are in the parade, do you have to pay to get in the CNE? Cause isn't that where it starts?
Thanks for your help.
There is no cost to enter the CNE grounds during Caribana. However, the staging area is restricted to costumed masqueraders and others in the parade. If you like the pink section, they have actually moved to Callaloo..... details in the latest post.
Sorry about the last comment, I got confused about which pink costume you meant. Its a costume from Mas Toronto that has left their band
Thank you for answering my question.
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