I may not be a FL ho, but I'm a Shoe ho, I can admit it. (
;-) LOL Christina, who this post is also for, you've been mentioning shoes a lot, plus BIG thanks for contributing, & of course Ryan too!!) I've never counted my shoes, but the collection is easily way over 100. So looking for a pair of sneakers that will match perfectly with my Caribana costume has always been a pleasurable past time. The last few years much more stylish sexy sneaks have been produced, making the search easier. Local cheapie shoe shops have real cute colourful designs, the
ideal mas shoe.
Since this is my obsession, I searched for the best shoe to match some costumes & picked the best of the lot. Warning, they are very matchy matchy ;-):

Bought these

Taken w my cell cam.

Ok, the colour didn't come out so good in this shot... these shoes are quite a vibrant fuchsia, just like the costume, not pink.