Now that
Mardi Gras &
Caribfest are over, I promised I'd do a post on
Caribana crimes - things that are simply in poor taste, or lacking acceptable carnival etiquette.
Definitely the
#1 Caribana crime is stormers. I've heard Carnival
Nationz masqueraders describe the parade as "fucked up", there was "no feeling the vibe"
for some, and others weren't pleased with security. Some comments that haven't been removed are on
Scotiabank Caribana 2010 | Official Facebook Group - FEEL DE VIBE. The days we females give these non costumed stormers a token wine
should be gone, but they aren't. There are still too many masqueraders getting on bad with them, which doesn't put a stop to it! If these guys can't get no jam, they'll move on. If
no masqueraders will wine with them, they'll stay out of the parade!! But for the small amount of masqueraders that tell them to get out, there are many more who don't, and worse, who wine with them.
Stormers piss many of us off, and it's not fun trying to
maneuver around them. Many have no manners, they shove their way through, forget even excusing themselves, and they don't mind your costume. I heard some guys were grabbing ass. So that shows you right there what some think of our Caribana, how they have zero respect for female masqueraders, and look at our carnival as an opportunity to be nasty with girls in bikinis. This includes those sleazy fellas shooting video from down low. Disgusting. We've all seen stormers trying to get around the Kings, Queens & Individuals, and as a result of their lack of concern, some of them get torn or break.
Simply put, they ruin the road experience for many masqueraders.
Costume malfunction. We pay good hard earned money for our costumes, and to have them fall apart in any way on the road is a crime. A waistband that breaks at judging can be embarrassing. Things sticking out, sharp edges that get caught on everyone, poorly secured pieces that come off, all crimes. I consider headpieces that won't stay on in with this. The headpiece
makes the costume, it's the crowning glory, and for so many
gyrls this year to be holding theirs, or attaching it to their back straps, means they didn't want to wear it. Why not? It either didn't fit properly, or stay on, or it hurt. I've seen all examples this year. You'll
want to wear a comfortable headpiece. When a headpiece isn't designed with function in mind, it falls short. It's a shame really, because there were so many
gorgeous looking, full & huge, different headpieces that didn't work.
Drunk & disorderly. I'm talking about the masqueraders who get so wasted that they're stumbling, making out with random guys, and showing no behaviour. These displays show not only a serious lack of judgment, but it's embarrassing to watch these train wrecks. I know carnival is
the time to free up and get on bad, but there's a line people.
Tights. I've heard comments that most women should wear 'em, but they don't. I figure, if your legs, etc. look better in 'em, wear 'em. The problem is, you see a lot of runs, which is a visual crime, the eyes focus on that instead of the costume. If I had a run, I'd find myself to the nearest washroom/port-a-john & take 'em off. I know, I know, easier said than done, and maybe you're having such a great time that you don't care. Chosing the right tights is just as important. Come on ladies, no control top!... I saw too much of that on the road again, tsk tsk. I guess this next one is more of a fashion preference - coloured fishnets. To me, they're a faux pas, I don't like the looks of them.
Poor costume choice. While carnival is all about freeing your inhibitions, it's also extremely visual. So selecting a costume that best suits
your body type is essential. Most sections have a corset or tankini option, which can look sexy, yet, they aren't worn that much. Just as not everyone should wear a wire cage bra &/or thong (I'd
never!), a bikini isn't the best choice for everyone.
I won't go on, I'd rather you contribute to the list...
So what Caribana crimes have
you noticed?
PS: If you'd like any of your Caribana, Mardi Gras, &/or Caribfest pics published on the blog in slide shows, email them to me at: karabana01@yahoo.ca