In conjunction with new Foreva Carnival, D'New Regulars held their launch, Straight Outta John John, which is a tribute to Janet Lewis, aka Flag Woman, a true Trinidad icon, at Twilight.
After some nice steel pan, drumming and a dance performance, their 9:00 advertised presentation began at 12 am. Two sections were shown at a time with a @10 minute break in between. And in a word: IMPRESSED! New Regulars indeed! The design team of Foreva Carnival really upped this band's game. They have shown us they are in this competition in a serious way this year with their creative, different designs. The collective consensus from the (unfortunately) small crowd was their costumes were a big hit.
There were several great men's costumes that I imagine male masqueraders would like to play in.
The shorter stage actually worked better for photos which included all the models in shots, and the lighting was good.
I just hope they can get the word out so the Toronto Carnival crowd can take a good look at these impressive costumes.
The first of many well designed one pieces.
Very nicely done: pretty one sided backpack & bottoms, and sherbet frontline backpack.
An actual backpack for guys. 
Fantastic face jewelry. Works so well with the jeweled wire bra / body suit.
A pregnant model is a first for a Toronto band launch. She looked amazing.
💖My favourite entire section.💖 I like all of the options: such wow headpieces, more than just a wire bra, it's uniquely & fabulously designed, and big applause for that illuminating, iridescent feathered cape!
Minimal, yet very attractive two piece, and beautiful blue velvet suit.
My favourite in this section, it all works so well.
Golden beauty.