Hi Folks,
The return fete has come and gone, and that's my unofficial signal to start keeping my ear to the ground for Caribana developments. Most of the bandleaders and local mas players are now back in Toronto and even though its minus 14 degrees today, in a few short weeks band launch season begins (see the list on the sidebar for the dates I know so far)... its our time to shine.
I heard a talk this morning that a certain man from a certain band saying they going down the road in one of the first 3 parade positions.
Now, I don't know how someone might know this at this point in time, but if anybody knows about a change in policy that hasn't been widely publicized, and you want to share with us, the anonymous comments have been enabled :)
- Soca 2019! -
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Mardi Gras, Hamilton

J'ouvert 2008!

Buublenut, Megan & Karabana at Caribana 2007!
Anonymous reply :)
There has always been a thought to organize bands in the order they place the year before. The TMBA (Toronto Mas Band Association... all the band leaders) do meet during the off season and discuss "Options". Now the truth to the "Certain man's comment" unknown but if he placed in the top 3... maybe there is some sort of discussions happening.
(Love the fact you use a certain man of a certain band) LOL, We don't want to get certain people in trouble! :)
BUT as a ex - officiate... the larger bands at one time never liked being first, over the past few years CNZ, Saldenha and Revellers have actually enjoyed being amongst the first to go down the Lakeshore. It provides a better experience for their masqueraders, finish at a decent time to enjoy the rest of the Carnival...minimize stormers( cause they ain't reaching B 4 3pm), then all hell breaks loose!, security can be controlled a little more, and I stress... A lil more (40 plus years of bad behavior has already been introduced into the Toronto Carnival... it will be very difficult to educate the stormers about the appreciation of Mas, if they do not understand the history and culture of playin mas!). That is a whole other topic for discussion!
The Festival Management Committee (Administrators of the Festival and the TMBA) need to consider if crowd control would be an issue having bands that are 1500-2000 in masquerader size each in the 1, 2, 3 position with their 2-3 music trucks, wee wee trucks, food and refreshment trucks all creating chaos at the front- would you get the same visual impact - that WOW Factor have all the BIG bands in that 1, 2, 3 position... Just a thought? There are usually 15 Competitive Bands, approx 15 guest bands, add in the OMBA (Ontario Steel Band Association (Steel Bands), 3 levels of security, Paid officers, Officers on Duty and Private security....plus if a band decides to have their own security (which I will let you know is NOT mandatory) I think there are some very key points that are up for discussion rather then the ramblings of a “certain man”.
To our masqueraders dismay, band position selection in the past usually happens late June early July. Its a long time between now and August 4, 2012, so there will be much gossip, talk, chat, friendly and not so friendly discussions with our bandleaders and masqueraders... all stirring in the pot of rivalry...
One thing I can confirm... Our Toronto Band Leaders are very territorial, very sensitive and passionate about their craft.
I highly doubt band position in the parade is their #1 priority now. Its about the Band Launches, the Mas Camp opening, the SALES of costumes - Selling out and getting the first installment of their government stipend - is # 1 priority.
Thanks for your comment, you clearly have intimate knowledge of what happens behind the scenes. I was hoping for more confirmation than "It might be true" but, I thank you for all the other info and invite you to come back often and share what you know with us.
It's so interesting that the band position issue gets sorted so late because band position at Caribana is so important to the masqueraders. I know that in the past we have decided against playing with certain bands if there is a probability of them playing past the #4 position. I love playing mas in Toronto but the stormers are a serious problem for masqueraders and can seriously dampen the vibes.....
shhhhhh ... you can't say that, that's exactly why they don't announce earlier:)
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