Carnival Nationz launched their presentation Havana at the Kool Haus last night. After a video montage of Havana scenes and winer boy Steve opening the show, the models came on at 2 am. (Yes, it was a long 3 hour wait.) They were done by @2:45.
There are a lot of standout elements, particularly headpieces, backpacks, collars and leg pieces. I like most of the colour combos, and am glad to see vibrant tones. I got the two blue sections mixed up, they do look alike, fringe & all.
Overall terrific showing from CNz, but I'm not a fan of the 2am start.
I see some new and different colour combinations. I love the big head pieces.
What the starting price for Nationz? The past 2 mas camps is over $200 now.
Nationz usually start at around $215, so not sure what their starting prices will be this year, but I must say there costume designs this year are beautiful!
As you all would say, "Holy Headpieces Batman!" LOL. We shall pray for strong necks, good balance, and that it's not windy come Caribana Saturday. LOL.
Watching the videos back I had 2 observations: 1... There was a marked difference in model performance. The vets were better at walking/moving slowly enough to allow for the costume to be fully viewed/photographed while some of the newbies moved quite quickly.
2.... The lighting was great but it sure made it difficult to see the costumes let alone photograph them well. (You guys got some great shots as always though!)
I'm most impressed that Nationz has been the only band so far this season that has introduced a noticeable number of new color combinations. Bravo! I've always felt like I already knew what colors I'd be seeing each year and was surprised to see some new additions.
The pink costume with the green and purple feather accents is a winner. Love it. It's my favorite costume from the launch.
I also like the nude with the pastel blue, green, and purple feathers. It has a delicate yet sexy look to it. I'm on the fence about the backpacks for those costumes though. They're giving me a "flower-arrangement" feel as far as the shape. Especially from the back. But the monokini for that section is really beautiful.
The pink and black section is fun. Gorgeous on video. The patent-leather look is never a bad thing when it comes to sex appeal. LOL
Not sure why they are two yellow and pink sections even though one is a deeper shade and also has orange in the mix. They're each nice but I scrolled back and forth a few times to confirm if they were/weren't the same section. I prefer the section that's showcased in the photo at the top of the blog.
The mono-kinis are great, though I don't particularly care for the ones with the large, circular cut-out around the navel. (Not very flattering.)
I think that the yellow shorts on the yellow & blue male costume, could be a tad longer unless they just appear to be super-short in photos.
A few of the other sections looked a little "busy" to me but that's (again) based on my personal preference.
Overall... really nice launch. A- (only because of that 2am start time.) LOL
Great job, glad to see the pics on here as I left - I couldn't wait any longer - felt like parade day trying to get out of the gates. 2 am is pushing it!
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