It's April 1st, and Toronto Caribbean Carnival's first band launch was Durham Mas. They held their presentation Canboulay at a new spot for a launch, the Church of Nativity.
The venue was nice, and a decent crowd filtered in. The performances before the costume presentation were interesting. While I do appreciate the effort to emphasize to play mas, not storm mas, you are preaching to the choir at band launches. The carnival crowd does respect the mas. We are the people who support bands, attend their events, and buy costumes. The challenge continues to be getting the message across to the right audience, the stormers. And it's the mainstream media who can do this, NEEDS to do this. What a shame it would be if it's 50th year, Toronto Caribbean Carnival doesn't take the time and effort needed to clearly & publicly state in every way possible that the people in costumes are masquerading and it's a parade that should be respected.
Anyway, after the performances, showtime began at 11:30.
Sugar Cane
These two versions of this section are my favorites overall. We (long time masqueraders) often cry for different, not the same ol same ol, well, here it is. The material used for the suits is fantastic. Looking like (Trinidad Carnival) Monday wear, but it seems a lot of costuming has evolved into swimwear.
This fringe is the new element I like the most of all. Never seen before, moved well, colourful & fun.
Durham Mas went with a bit of everything: waistbands, monokinis, wire bras, decorated high waist panties, a skirt, jeweled headbands and feathered collars.
What do you think of Canboulay?
I see a Dame Lorraine-ish section and I think a Stick Fighter section. I am curious about how the remaining sections relate to Camboulay. Kind of expected more from this ... With such a great theme.
The "chantwell" or chantuelle who was also an integral part of the celebrations was the forerunner of the calypsonian and later soca music.
The "chantwell" is another incarnation of the African "griot" tradition. On the Caribbean plantations African griots became chantwells, preserving the tribe's history and traditions orally. They would sing to contemporary and mythical heroes and to the Gods.
Not much to say. Hideous !
That's hardly the case "Juan Garcia". Try to be more constructive instead of throwing out a word that clearly doesn't apply.
Colors is my fave section from the launch. Sugar cane section is decent as well.
(Agreed about the blue fringe shoes❤️)
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