So hmm, I think I have enough gems, lol!

I've done a makeup test run, not bad, although I would much prefer have a pro do it, as I'm limited with my eye makeup application abilities. Eyeliner & me don't mix. Add to it that I wear contacts, which are never really comfortable, and it's a wonder I'm able to apply any eye stuff.

I picked up this cross the body purse at Target for $7. I just need something for my camera, (& sunscreen) and this does the job.
I have some supplies to decorate my boots, and my goal is not to glue anything on them & no glitter, as I intend on wearing them again (they're just so cute & a style I like to wear.) So I have something in mind that I think will work.

So how are your preparations going, got everything you need?
The only thing left to do, well, it's no little thing, is a lot of ab exercises this week, gulp!
I am on the same boat with you
im wearing boots that I intend on
wearing again.
so i thought up this idea
tell me if yu think its "do able"
i dont wanna glue anything on it
and i dont want to add sparkles like you said
so im thinking of decorating a ribbon with gems and a little bit of sparkle and then im going to wrap the ribbon around my boots cris cross style...im not sure if yu understand it buti hope yu did bad idea good idea???
let me know please and thank you
Where'd you get your face gems? I cant find them anywhere in toronto!?
Well I am pretty much all ready, boots all done, make-up will be done by a professional, as for a purse my camera pouch holds all i need and has a clasp that can attach securely to anything. Today is costume pickup for me with CNZ.. So I am all set!! see you all on de rd. :)
hi kara! your stuff looks great. i am heading to the mall later to get me some gems as well. :)
i have a question about travelling in costume, kara and anyone else could you please help me out? i have to take the go train to the exhibition. would you suggest taking the train in full costume? or wearing a tshirt or dress over top? my costume has feathers on my backside so i don't want those to get ruined either.
this is my first time playing mas, help a girl out!
Hi Palancepalance, we've taken the GOTrain in full costume, no probs. You'll find many masqueraders do that. :-)
CHANNEY, that's EXACTLY what I tried with my boots last night!!:-)!! Decorating without ruining them. But turns out my leg pieces look better on my boots, bc they're ankle boots.
Anon, gems are at most dollar stores.
Read this:
@channey, i think blinging out a piece of ribbon and criss crossing it around your boots sounds great!! depending on how tight you tie the ribbon you could always tuck some feathers between the ribbon and the boot as well.
best of luck and don't forget to update kara and the rest of us on how the boot decorating goes!
@karabana. thanks!! luckily i am travelling with two friends, so even if we are the only 3 in costume on the train it should be hilarious.
oh and i know this doesn't really belong in this post... but what happens when you need to use the toilet? will there be a wee-wee truck?
LOL: http://www.jamaicanjokes.com/viewJoke.asp?JokeId=129&catid=8
@ palancepalance We take the bus in our custume all the time. And eventhough they dont promote it every year TTC drivers let us get on for free. We catch the bus from scarborough. :) So that would be a benefit. Mine has feathers on the butt so I will be dressing complete except for that part I will just put that on when I get to CNE. Hope thhis helps.
@mas#1fan, free bus ride? that's wicked!! too bad i am taking the go train from the west end. who knows maybe the ticket person will be extra nice to us. lol!
i will definitely consider changing bottoms when i get there. feathers are too delicate.
Kara... I have a question and I want to know your suggestion. I'm playing Congo Man Front line, and I really want to look good. So my question is I have never ever wore boots to Caribana. I'm worry my foot will get hot and sweating. What can I do to be comfortable in the boots to look fabulous??
Hi TriniRose, what kind of boots do you have? The only boots that you'd be hot in would be winter boots lined w fur. Otherwise, "club" boots are fine. (All the mas boots pictured on the posts here.) Even the boots I wore 2 yrs ago were an old pair, & I wasn't hot in 'em.
What do the veteran boot wearers say? Does anyone wear tights and socks? I don't.
Ooooh, I am so excited!
I got my costume last night and I could barely sleep, and it's only WEDNESDAY!
I got my boots. A lovely yellow. I ran a few beads of glue down the front, and added glitter. I should be able to remove it easily afterwards with a scrub brush so I can wear them in the fall.
I can't wait!
No, My boots is fashion boots, similar to yours but no heels.
I know I will feel better once I get those cushion soles, that I always buy at the Dollarama every year for Caribana. I guess once I get those I dont need to wear socks or tights.
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