This information comes from Tara, many thanks gyrl! She got "Body Wrappers" Total stretch tights Ultimate Shimmer Footed ($19) at Malabar, which is downtown at McCaul/Queen. They are meant for dance/costumes. They told her they ordered them in stock specifically for those asking for Caribana tights.
Of course Legs Beautiful sells many, including Philippe Matignon which Tara got in the Jade (style) in the colour Playa Nature. They're shimmery, so the same as the ones Hooters girls wear. ($19.95)
You can also try other hosiery stores such as Sox City and Phantom Industries, both have a few locations.

A few weeks ago Tara & I ordered online some Peavey hose - they're advertised as the (Hooters) waitress hose.

So ladies, where did you get your tights, any suggestions?
Trini-in-Toronto has something to say about all this: just because you're in Canada, doesn't mean you should wear (control top) panty hose on de road. There's absoutely no excuse for wearing those control tops. Wear sheer to waist.
I steups over this critical picking apart in a way, bc frig men have it easy on de road, they don't have all these extra things (tights, makeup, accessories, bags) to worry about. However, on the other hand, I do know what he means, seeing the entire control top looks pretty awful.
Karabana, I have to agree with Trini-in-Toronto about the control top pantyhose. There is absolutely no excuse for wearing those on the road. It takes away from the costume when you see this BIG control top panty going all the way from your waist down to your thighs! That's what sheer to waist pantyhose are for. Get it together ladies! I've even seen women wear the control top pantyhose OVER their bikini mas bottom instead of under it! Huh?
Karabana, I bought the same Peavey pantyhose online about 2 months ago. I've been wearing them for 4 years now and I'm quite happy with them. I get mine from
The biggest Carabana crimes I see on the road in Toronto every year are (1) wearing whatever sneakers you have at home. Either wear color-coordinated boots, or buy/paint your sneakers to match your costume (2) no pantyhose when the person REALLY needs to wear some or wearing control top pantyhose instead of sheer to waist (3) and the biggest crime? NO MAKEUP or sparkles anywhere! How can you spend money to buy a beautiful, colorful costume and not put ANY makeup whatsoever on your face? Not a sparkle, no eyeshadow, nothing?! You should be banned from playing mas ever again! LOL!
Thank you, you have ESP, I was wondering where I can tell my customers where to buy tights. Good post. Keep up the fabalous work. Love your blog.
I totally agree with you too Lisa on those crimes, not just for Caribana and Trinidad but EVERY CARNIVAL!! Step it up ladies!
Thanks very much Anon, this is just my little hobby, so I'm glad when someone gets something out of it. :-)
Yes, there are plenty of Caribana crimes, hmmm, Caribana crimes, another post, another time...
i would sooooooo enjoy that post
just so i can step up my game
greaat idea
looking foward to it
I heard the Carnival Nationz mas camp is selling them to on pick up days, just in case anyone is in that band, they just get some there if they wanted.
I bought various shades of tights online and on eBay. I found a brand of brazilian tights that are sheer to waist and have no waistband, which is perfect for a thong costume and the small waistbands.
Carnival Nationz says they'll be selling tights at costume pick up for any masqueraders who may not want to shop around online. Other mas camps may be doing this as well, I guess if you ask.
browneyeztrini, what's the name of those Brazilian tights?
I'm probably wrong, but I think they are "Brazil 15" No-Waist Band Pantyhose. You can find them at
I just bought two, maybe it will be the one I've been looking for all year lol.
Here's a direct link:
The only thing sexier than a lady in pantyhose is a Trini lady in them!
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