Carib2Kwine lived up to it's name... the whining started early,

There was a huge collective whine heard from Hamilton devotees when they realized their Carnival wasn't happening. I know I really missed Mardigras this year, it just wasn't the same without it. I just hope 2010 sees the return of Hamilton Carnival.
Then I had something to whine about on costume pick up day when I discovered the Tembu Warrior headpiece was downsized. I could then think of much better things I needed to do the day before the parade than watch for 1+ hour the male Crees of Canada costumes being glued together.
On the positive side, security seemed better this year, and we got to the end with Saldenah without any stormers. I know CNz had a fence for most of the route, but once they reached the gate, security dropped it, & stormers made their way in. I'm not sure about the effectiveness of that gate.

So now that Caribana & (Barrie) Carnival are over, Karabanablogspot will be on hiatus until next season. Thanks everyone for reading, commenting & saying hi at the Caribana events.
In the meantime, be sure to check out fellow local bloggers De Cocoa Panyol and Nurse Karen who's blogs are about a mix of many things or about West Indian culture, including soca and Caribana.

What is the song in your video? And you look awesome again lol.
For this year Caribana, I had the Best time! I have been playing Mas in Toronto since 1999 and truly felt the ROAD WAS MINE (especially after the stage when the adrenaline is still pumping). I played with Nationz as I have for 5 years. Yes they had the fence and security, and yes it was effective and it lasted majority of the route. I am pleased to see a band continuing to be innovative and evolving. I thank them for my experience and I CAN'T WAIT TO SUPPORT THEM IN 2010!
Anon, We Like It - Iwer George.
Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine Wine We Like It
Thanks a lot! ;-)
nice blog; some pics from London carnival on mine
Thanks This too will pass & your pictures are terrific!!
Thanks Kara. My bf originally heard it at the parade and he loved it, but we couldn't even find a name lol. Thanks again.
Hi Kara, I have a quick question.
If I were to get a costume, custom made for me, would I be able to wear it for Caribana?
Just brainstorming a bit...
Yes Anon you can wear any costume at Caribana. Can't cross the stage at the judging point though. If certain bands are particular about only masqueraders from their band jumping in with them, they may put you out.
So how do you get on the parade route if you can't skip the judging stage? Is there another way in?
Yes, all along the route there are barricades, but people jump them, get themselves in. Infamous stormers.
If you're in costume though you'll be let into the entrance. Most bands won't allow a non-band member to go before the judges.
Sweet, thank you for answering my question. I'd love for a custom costume next year...hrm, I guess I'll wait and see.
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